~ Simple and clear instruction for creating and designing your own shawl from scratch!
Grab that languishing ball of fingering weight yarn or a favorite skein you’ve been saving for just the right project, your needles, and a pencil and away you’ll zip designing your very own shawl in one of 10 selected shawl shapes. In class you’ll get in-depth instruction on designing your own shawl, instructions on exactly how to create the shape you are going for be it crescent, triangular, long-ended for extra wrapping, half-hexagon, asymetrical, semi-circle, or more! Your shawl may have lace, garter stitch, stockinette stitch, many textures, stripes, beads, etc. The sky is the limit and you’ll leave with an excellent understanding of how to design your own shawl from scratch from cast-on to bind-off and everything in between. In class you will plan and start your own shawl design from scratch. No homework is required just bring your shawl yarn, needles and a pencil!
Skills needed:
Ability to knit, purl, and some experience with increasing and decreasing.
Provided in class:
Monday - Wednesday,
10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
12 p.m. – 6 p.m.