As we close out another unprecedented year, I want to take a moment to thank you for your support, commitment to our community and most of all, your patience! Thank you for being patient with us as we’ve implemented changes to keep our staff and all of you as safe as possible. Thank you for being patient with your yarn choice as we navigate global supply chain issues and shipping delays. Thank you for being patient with each other and us as you wait in line for help or to make a purchase or as you encounter a shelf that we haven’t had a chance to restock yet. We are seeing a surge of new knitters and welcoming them into the craft, while struggling to keep up with the daily tasks here at the shop and the ever changing environment we are working in. And thank you for being patient with yourselves as you turn to your stitching to help you make it through these exhausting and difficult times.
In 2022, we invite you to join us in a year of grace – the grace to take time to enjoy your craft, the grace to try new skills that you may not immediately succeed at. And with the grace of your support, we will continue to share in your fiber arts joy for another year.