We were so excited to be part of this New York Times article (in the Style Section of the print edition on Sunday, May 1oth)! It features Doomsday Knits, a book by Alexandra Tinsley and published by my friend Shannon Okey. But it also features our “Come the apocalypse, I will have clothing” shirt design from 2016. It’s a wonderful article, without a single mention of grandma, rocking chairs or surprise that men knit too! So delighted to be part of it, along with the amazing Franklin Habit and of course, Shannon Okey.
By the way, get a copy of Doomsday Knits before it’s gone again!!
Since many of you have asked, here’s a bit about the things you can see in the photo in the article:

My sweater:
The pattern is Angwin by Sloane Rosenthal. I purchased it from another knitter at Vogue Knitting Live. The yarn is Neighborhood Fiber Co Studio Worsted in the color Bolton Hill. We are super low on this yarn right now, so if you want the same amazing color, hit up Neighborhood Fiber Co directly for it.
The sock yarn:
This is our very own custom color of Knitterly Things Vesper Sock – “Across the Yarniverse.” We have an order on its way to us, so if you want to snag one of the fifty skeins arriving this week, order it now!
The Apocalypse shirts:
We did realize that we should re-release these shirts! You all did ask repeatedly and certainly an article in the NYT helped this along. We decided to release two versions – the original baseball tee and a short sleeve V-neck. Here they are: