Since my long search for a matching hank to my one hank of malabrigo lace in pagoda colorway has come up short (apparently no on in San Francisco, where I bought it originally, wants to sell me one of their precious hanks. grrr), Cameronne sent along this pattern for my one precious hank of malabrigo lace and I LOVE it! It is the Fit ‘n Float scarf from Knitty. So awesome for Spring and summer…and I think it will look amazing in my precious malabrigo. Now if only I had time to knit….hmmm….I am working away at the wedding shawl wrap thingy in Alchemy silken straw. It is slow moving and I am accepting that knitting on the flight down might be in my future. I am trying not to freak out about this.
Did anyone else run the GW Parkway Classic this morning and wish that they had just stayed in their air conditioned bed? I am beat!