The Glam Knits workshop with Stefanie Japel was this past weekend. It was a huge success and so wonderful to see Stefanie again. Thank you so much to each and every one of you who attended and to my two “helpers” Aimee and Kel from Knit Happens. We started with the book signing on Friday evening, which was hosted by Knit Happens. Kel glammed up the store window for the event. Most of the workshop registrants were able to attend, meet Stefanie, take photos and enjoy wine and cheese, of course! Stefanie brought an entire box of finished objects from the book and folks had a chance to see them up close and even try them on. See the full set of photos from the events here. The garments are all still at the shop, along with plenty of copies of the Glam Knits book, so stop by and check it out. I am working on the lace tunic pattern now with black Manos Del Uruguay that I picked up from Aylin’s a few weeks ago. More on that later..back to the workshop!
Saturday morning we met up at the Morrison House and launched into designing a raglan sweater. Stefanie carefully walked everyone through the math (yes, math…maybe even algebra) of writing a sweater pattern, determining the number of stitches to cast on at the neckline, what structural elements to consider, etc etc. We finally learned how to properly size ourselves for a sweater. Folks used their new nifty Knit-a-Gogo designer sketchbooks to start drawing their new sweater. By the end of the first session, many had their sweaters on needles and were thinking about what unique design elements to add to their sweater.
We finished up on Sunday with more individual attention from Stefanie, answering questions, looking over designs and checking out the little bits of sweaters that started to appear on folks needles (oh, and we ate some amazing little scones too!)
It was wonderful to meet some new faces in the group and to work on design with some regulars as well. Thanks again to everyone who attended and an extra special thanks to Stefanie for giving us such an amazing workshop!