Welcome back to Must Make Monday! I don’t know about you, but as soon as August hits I start dreaming of fall. Truth be told, I dream about fall all summer long. Summer is my least favorite season. I know, I’m weird. But I digress. If you’ve been in either of our shops lately, you’ve seen that we are starting to turn our focus toward fall stitching. And we have the perfect transition outfit for you! Behold the Blaster Cardi paired with the Everyday Skirt!
Sigh. Doesn’t the thought of wearing a hand knit cardigan right now make you swoon? No? Just me?
This cardigan is one of those essential transition pieces we all need in our wardrobes as we move from summer to fall. The Blaster Cardi by Andi Satterland has a seamless top-down construction, making it a breeze to knit, but it has enough pattern detail to keep you from getting bored. I kinda want to knit one in every color. Ours was stitched using Neighborhood Fiber Co.’s Studio DK (this is the Thomas Circle color way):
Another fabulous option would be Knerd String DK. Like NFC, this is a woman-owned independent hand-dyed yarn company from Colorado that Danielle recently added to the shop (Sarah wrote a post about the yarn and the story behind it; you can read more about it here.)
And see all those buttons?! This is another opportunity to make this sweater uniquely yours. Both fibre space and Stitch have lots of buttons to choose from! From modern to vintage, colorful to subdued, we’ve got you covered.
Now let’s look at that skirt. This Everyday Skirt by Liesl & Co. was made using a tencel chambray fabric, which means it’s comfy and easy to wear. If you’ve been reading these MMM posts from the beginning, then you know this is a high-priority in my book. Here’s a look at the pattern so you know what to look for when you come into Stitch to pick it up:
This is another versatile pattern that has endless possibilities. For this skirt you’ll want to look for light to medium-weight woven fabrics; examples include quilting cottons, chambray shirtings, poplins, broadcloths, lawns, linens, silk shantung, or wool flannels or suitings. For a closer look with styling options, check out Liesl & Co.’s site here.
See what I mean by versatile? Flowery fabrics, funky geometric patterns, fun quilting cottons, solid colors…all of these would work here. Stitch has a wide selection of woven fabrics for you to choose from. In my fall dreams I will sew this using a plaid flannel to go with my hand-knit cardigan and pair it with tights and boots. Tights and boots. Sigh, again.
I hope this inspires you all to start planning your fall projects! If you make either of these projects and post pics to social media, please use the hashtags #mustmakemonday #fibrespaceFO #sewwithstitch.
Happy Stitching!