This week we are highlighting Katrinkles Mini Tools! These lightweight, 2.5″ square tools are made out of domestic cherry wood and look amazing as an accessory (as well as being a portable knitting library). They are handy to have along, whether you tuck them inside your project bag or hang them from the ball chain loop outside for easy access. They are veritable nuggets of wisdom to have in your tool set. Save yourself having to google for information on how to do techniques such as: brioche decrease, kitchener or wrap and turns. We have the following mini tools in the shop now:
Mini Tools:
- 1″ Gauge Swatch Ruler – with inches and metric measurements clearly laser cut onto the front
- Kitchener – instructions for reminding you how to graft live stitches together seamlessly
- Wraps Per Inch Tool (plain with no yarn weight grooves) – for measuring the thickness of any yarn. Wrap the yarn into the inch-wide notch and compare the number of times your yarn fits in the slot with the key
- Make 1 Right and Left Instructions
- Wrap and Turn Instructions
- WPI/Yarn Weight Gauge with etched yarn grooves
- Brioche Basics
- Brioche Increases and Decreases
- Sett Tool for Weaving
- German Short Rows
- Yarn Palette
- $9 each
We also now have a tiny version of the most essential tools on a necklace! Keep your favorite knitting tools handy at all times with these Tiny Tool Necklaces. These pendants are cute as well as useful. They’ll make a great gift for your best knitting friend or an easy to wear accessory to keep for yourself.
Tiny Tools Necklace:
- Material: Domestic Cherry, Cotton Cord
- Approximate Size: includes a Wraps Per Inch, Knitting Needle Gauge and a 2”/5 cm ruler on a 32” cotton cord
- $28