The cable cast on: It’s a lot like the knit cast on, and it has the same benefits.
You start the same way as the knit cast on, by making a slipknot and placing it on the left needle,
inserting the right needle into it as if to knit, pulling a loop through,
and placing the loop on the left needle.
Now, insert your right needle between the last two stitches on the left needle,
pull a loop through,
and place it on the left needle.
That’s it! Time for a challenge: The two-color twisted cable cast on, which I used in my Braid-o-Rama pattern, made with a Yipes Stripes kit from Neighborhood Fiber Co.
Holding your two colors together, create a slipknot and place it on the left needle.
Insert your right needle between the two strands of the slipknot, wrap the color of the first loop of the slipknot around the right needle, and pull a loop through. Place this loop on the left needle.
Continue, alternating colors and bringing each new color UNDER the previous color. Here’s a closeup of what I mean by that:
A barber pole will form. Your yarns will twist, which means you’re doing it correctly. You’ll have to untwist them after doing this cast on unless your next round uses stitches that twist in the other direction, which will untwist this. Braid-o-Rama untwists this cast on on the second round; here’s the edge of Braid-o-Rama (shown from the wrong side) with the two-color twisted cable cast on below it.
You’ve got a new tool in your awesome two-color effects arsenal. Go put a braid on it!