I am not a fan of garter stitch. I love how it looks but hate knitting it. It just feels like it fights you when you knit the bumps. Anyone know what I mean?
But I saw a color of Debbie Bliss Eco Baby that I felt just had to be a garter stitch sweater for Maddy. Arthella grabbed a pink color to go with it (I am not a fan of pink but went along with it). I used the pattern N E O N by Lili Comme Tout. I love the little accent stitching on the collar and down the top of the sleeves. It is a great little dolman sweater for baby or toddler.
If you feel inspired to make one, Arthella put together some color combos from the Eco Baby collection:
Eco Baby is $8.50 per skein and you will need one ball for the accent color (or really just scraps) and 3 or more balls for the main body. It is sized for up to 10 years! The pattern actually calls for a DK weight yarn but I didn’t have any issues getting gauge on this sport weight.
So after powering through this garter stitch project, I decided to start another. I am working on the summer and fall class schedules, and it looks like we will be teaching Camilla Babe. So I decided to make one for Maddy so that you all can see it at the shop. Am almost done with my swatch…