Sorry for the delay in this post, but the last week has been a whirlwind! Madeline Olivia was born on July 11 (yup, 7-11 aka free slurpee day) at 9:27 pm. She was a bit of a struggle as she was born with her arm next to her head! She also had the cord around her neck, but that was a quick fix. I had a wonderful birth team to help and they kept us both safe and healthy. (Including our very own Sarah B., who is an amazing doula!) She is a pretty chill little baby, throwing only an occasional fit when she is super hungry and not getting milk fast enough. I am adjusting to life as a mom and mom-trepeneur.
Nemo is a little lost without attention from his mom. We are trying to give him lots of his own lovin.
Phil has been home with me, which is a huge help. We are getting a few hours of sleep here and there, and I am hoping to get some knitting time in. I am only a week behind on the Kelbourne Woolens Knitalong but a new one is being posted tomorrow, so I am feeling the pressure to get moving on it!