As some of you know, last week Miss Becky left us for bigger and better things in Baltimore. While she is just up the road a bit, we already feel like she is a million miles away… I shall now proceed to embarrass her with tales of how awesome she is and photos that she probably wishes didn’t exist.
Becky is one of the most senior yarnistas here at the shop. She and I met at Crafty Bastards a long long time ago. At the time, I was sharing a booth there with Knit Happens, to promote my Knit-a-Gogo business. Becky’s business, this chickadee, was just around the corner from our booth, and we meet and chatted about her two crafty passions – knitting and sewing. I actually still have and use the vintage fabric coasters that I bought from her that year. We kept in touch and eventually agreed that Becky would be my one other full time employee, once the shop opened. When it came time to get Miss Becky here working, she was headed off to “band camp” (don’t ask…), and I ended up hiring Veronica as a full timer for the summer while she was gone. Becky did eventually come on to work with us not too many months after we were up and running and when it became obvious that just two people here during the week was not exactly working out. From the day she got here, Becky was a rock star and an invaluable member of the team. I know that all of you have enjoyed her smiling face and upbeat nature here at the shop. I, personally, am going to really really miss her and her calm rational demeanor.
And we will really miss her sense of humor. Due to Becky’s obsession with unicorns, I had to limit the staff to only one unicorn per day for awhile. That meant that only one staff-wide email could reference unicorns each day. Otherwise, the amount of sparkle and unicorns was more than I could handle. To get her back for all of the unicorns, we gave Becky a hank of hand spun yarn that someone had discovered on Etsy. It had dead My Little Pony heads spun into it. The artist had chopped off the heads and spun them right into the yarn. “Horrifying” is probably a good word to describe it…Becky decided to knit up the yarn for her going away party and arrived wearing this gem of a shawl:
Our favorite things about Becky (please add your own)
- loves blue grass music
- from the Pittsburgh area too!
- obsessed with leggings
- able to wear a rainbow and unicorn smock and actually pull it off
- packs her lunch in adorable fabric wraps
- makes amazing oatmeal breakfast cookies
- can “fluff” any wall of yarn and make it look amazing
- offers sage advice at bachelorette parties
- opposed to capitalization
A note from the Becky:
dear fibre friends,
for almost three years i’ve had the best job in the world! it has been such a pleasure to greet you as you came into the shop, to help pick out yarns, suggest projects and pick-up those stray stitches. i’ve learned so much and have been inspired by the many beautiful things that you have made. but my time in space has drawn to a close and soon i’ll be making a new home up north in baltimore. thank you all for welcoming me into the community and for trusting me with your hand knits (and the occasional crochet). i’ll still be around (although not as frequently), and you can always catch up with me on ravelry (thischickadee).
i hope that your fibre adventures continue to be fabulous! when in doubt, knit a bandana cowl. 🙂