If you haven’t read it yet, you should read this article by author Peg Aloi who says that we have lost sight of what it means to be a tough woman because we are embracing femine and domestic type activities…you know, like knitting. Cuz making your own sweater makes you soft. Obviously, we disagree. I find it incredibly liberating to be able to make my own clothing. And really, nothing scares off a man at a bar more than holding five US#00 double points in your hands. So here was Pat’s brilliant email to us this morning about this article:
I can’t respond to this article because you have to be a “member” If I were a “member” I’d cancel my membership.
I think the author is completely out of touch with the real world. As you all know, I am over 70, still working full-time and still called on to be aggressive, patient, innovative, etc. This writer is obviously living in the dark ages. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt knitted and delivered “socks for soldiers” in the 1940s to the troops in Japan. Mrs. Hoover’s baby blanket pattern is available on Ravelry – 90 years later.
I can’t wait to hear how many women respond to that article.