Phil’s birthday is next week, so of course I decided this week to start knitting him a sweater. I am the queen of last minute. Somehow I doubt that this will ever be done, but I can try. I gave the husband lots of options, hoping that he wouldn’t choose something covered in cables and moss stitch. I need television knitting these days. Selling a house is hell. Here are just a few of what I gave him:

Luckily, my hubby chose the Emilien. It is available here on Ravelry. It is a fairly easy top down raglan with some stripes…the hubby wants stripes. So I gave him several yarn color options (all from Brooklyn Tweed SHELTER). He had Longjohns and Soot (red and grey), Buttonjar and Almanac (green and blue), or Tent and Almanac (olive green and blue). Hubby chose Tent and Soot…not one of the options, but ok. Not my favorite combo but if he will wear it, I am game. Here they are: