Mo Rocca learns to knit from a ten year old and Debbie Stoller (of Stitch n Bitch fame)
If you didn’t catch this story on CBS Sunday, here it is:
In other news, I have finished something…and it isn’t my March sweater or the Easter basket. This is the In the Land of Oz scarf, a straightforward scarflette that starts out super simple and ends with a feather and fan pattern. I blocked it last night and am super excited to finally have a “pointy” scarf. Phillip saw it this morning and asked “So how long did it take you to knit that?” Ladies, beware of this question. What this means is that this person is contemplating you making this project again…Phil thinks that his mother would really like the scarf because it looks “bat-like” and she is very very into Halloween. So now I think I am commissioned to make it in black. Project number one on the list for holiday knitting. Have you all started your holiday knitting yet?
Anyways, the yarn is known as “unobtainium” or Wollmeise, which can be bought online from Germany or LoopyEwe or purchased from nice people who have it already and are willing to sell it to you. This color is stunning and really can’t be captured on film.