Stranded Colorwork Socks workshop
We are hosting designer Mary Jane Mucklestone for a Stranded Colorwork Socks workshop. As always, the workshop will feature some interesting foods. This time we chose Norwegian style!
Sunday, February 28, 2-7 pm at the fibre space shop
Cost is $95
Register online here or by calling the shop at 703-664-0344
Read more about the designer and prerequisites here.
Mad Hatter Tea Party and Alice in Wonderland Movie
Join us for Friday Night at the Movies, featuring the Alice in Wonderland movie. Great way to get ready for the new version being released in March and starring Johnny Depp! We will host a Mad Hatter tea party during the movie viewing on Friday, February 26. The tea party starts at 6 pm. Wear you wildest hat and you might win a prize!