On January 12, Haiti was struck by a massive earthquake that is likely to result in tens of thousands of deaths. The damage to the country and its people is devastating, and we have yet to even know the full impact of this disaster. Haiti is the poorest country in our hemisphere, with a vast majority living on less than $2 a day.
The team here at fibre space wants to help. This weekend, we will donate 20% of all of our sales of yarn, needles, notions and books to Oxfam America.
Why Oxfam? As many of you know, I have worked in the non profit sector for almost ten years. Working with and supporting charities remains a big part of my life, even as I have moved into the “for profit” world. My studies in graduate school were focused on Latin American economic and social development. My passion for this part of the world led me to the development and human rights profession. Because of Oxfam’s focus on development through the “lens” of human rights, I focused my graduate thesis on their work internationally. When I graduated, I continued to support the organization through charitable contributions, as their headquarters location in Boston meant that I wouldn’t even be able to actually work for them.
Oxfam’s offices in Haiti were also hit by the quake. They have approximately 200 people on the ground in Haiti right now, including a group of highly-experienced emergency specialists. Their team is supporting rescue efforts, assessing the damage, and responding with public health, water, and sanitation services to prevent the spread of waterborne disease. Additional manpower is being sent from Oxfam offices around the world. To learn more here about Oxfam’s work in Haiti.