Has your head ever hurt so bad that you couldn’t knit? I woke up yesterday with an incredible headache and a bit of nausea. I thought I was coming down with something but about mid-day I realized that it was a migraine. Then I couldn’t figure out what stress had triggered the migraine so I was stressed about my stress that I didn’t know I had. So double stressed apparently.
I went to my private lesson last night despite the headache and it actually made my head feel better, which is probably a sign that knitting, even teaching it, is relaxing and a wonderful stress reduction therapy.
But then I went home and it came back, which is seriously impacting my ability to knit a square a day and get this baby blanket done. Olga has graciously agreed to sew backing to the blanket when I am done but she needs it by Sunday. SUNDAY! So if you are in one of my three classes this weekend, you will be witness to the square making action. I am on super crunch now.
In the meantime, my fingerless / flip top mittens are moving along. I finished one and am working on the other. The cool thing is that I can wear one while knitting the other. I was diligent about casting on the second mitten right after the first, because as we know, I don’t knit pairs of mittens..just single mittens that never have a friend to share their life with. It’s sad really.