I got home this evening after a long day at Art on the Avenue, and this wonderful box of beautifulness arrived. It is full of one of several prizes that I am including for the guests of the Glam Knits Retreat with Stefanie Japel. If you attended the O Street Mansion retreat and loved your gift bag, get ready because this one has even moreI! I don’t want to spoil the surprise, so I won’t show you what is inside, but I can tell you that I am really happy that this vendor included a few extras for me 🙂
A few folks have asked about the retreat and wondered if they were ready for sweater design. I really wanted the event to be for those who haven’t designed yet or simply want to know how to make a sweater really fits right. The only prerequisite is that you can knit and purl and work in the round. If you have those steps covered, you are ready for this event! I will even have extra teachers on site to help those who can’t remember a Kfb or an SSK.
Stefanie is going to walk us through every step of measuring and calculating for the perfect raglan sweater. She will even help you to decide what extra design elements would work well with your yarn.
What yarn are we using? Whatever you want! Bring something that you already have in your stash or purchase something for the retreat. It is up to you. You can use anything you want as long as you have enough for a raglan sweater in your size. If you aren’t sure of how much that is, check this site out.
Do you need to be there on Halloween, Oct 31? No, not at all! That evening is the book signing and private reception with Stefanie, which is included in the ticket cost but not necessary for the retreat. The instruction really starts on Saturday, November 1st.
Have other questions? leave a comment and I will try to answer it!