I concluded last night that I have entirely too much yarn in my stash. The scary thing is that most of the yarn falls into one of two categories: sock yarn or bags of yarn intended for a sweater. At least there are themes to my buying habits.
So I have decided to challenge myself this fall and winter. I want to complete the following sweaters by February:
Durrow, by Jodi Green, using Debbie Bliss tweed. I love the cable on the sleeve of this pattern and it is the only pattern that I have ever showed phillip that he actually said he would wear. Now because of the sweater curse, I will hold off on this one until i actually have that rock on my hand…hoping that is before February.
The central park hoodie, by Heather Lodinsky. There are entire groups on ravelry dedicated to this sweater. I have seen them everywhere and on everyone. It is adorable and I want one!! I am thinking that the Fiber Company Organik will be used for this project. I have contacted the company to see how quickly they can ship the color that I want to Knit Happens since an employee there bought the last of it on FRIDAY (damn you Stephanie). I considered using this as a class but it would require several weeks and I am not sure that the cost would be worth it. If you are interested though, do let me know. I love this pattern!
The High Neck Cable by Kim Hamlin. I have long had a love affair with Blue Sky Alpaca yarn and patterns. They do an amazing job of attracting good designers that are able to develop patterns that really show off their yarns well. Having said that, I have decided to use a Fiber Company fiber for this pattern…simply because I have the yarn (from my MSWF buying spree) and this pattern looks perfect for it. I will use my Road to China, a luscious blend of alpaca, cashmere, camel and yak.
Ruffled Jacket by James Coviello. Such an awesome cable. I am not a fan of the huge ruffle on this sucker so I will probably make the ruffle a bit shorter or use a ribbed edge but the shape and back of this jacket is incredible. I am considering using the Fiber Company Terra that I picked up at MSWF (are you seeing a theme for the fall here…).
Balloon Sleeve Jacket by Olga. Love this jacket. HATE seed stitch but might be willing to “deal” just this once. Olga, if you don’t know already, has some amazing designs. She also happens to live locally and teaches at Knit Happens. This is one of her fab designs, featured on the cover of Sensual Knits. I plan to use the Cooper Circle color of Neighborhood Fiber Company’s machine washable merino…mmm…merino. Still waiting on my yarn from Karida, so this one might be the last project to get started but I am super excited about it.
So who else is up for a fall and winter sweater knitting challenge? If you have never knitted one before, perhaps just challenge yourself to complete your first sweater by February, tails tucked, blocked and all.