If you know me, you know that I love to promo small businesses, particularly clever ones started by women. In my search for a great gift to give the guests of my March 30th retreat, I tripped across Stuck in Illinois on Ravelry, who started a small business selling project bags to knitters through her Etsy site.
Pam from Yarny-Goodness sums up these little bags very well on her site:
“Lovely, well-crafted bags which are just the right size for your socks or other small projects. With a ribbon drawstring, they hang off your wrist to allow knitting while walking. They are also the right size to sit next to you on a plane or other crowded area without taking up valuable space. They will easily hold the materials needed for a pair of socks including needles, scissors, and yarn.â€
So get on over to Etsy and buy some bags! (for those that didn’t know about Etsy, I sincerely apologize for introducing you to the most addictive thing online since the Ebay…)