So I was at Knit Happens this weekend (shocking), and I started flipping through this book that was on the table: Closely Knit. Its a new pattern / project book out by Hannah Fettig and it is really really awesome. It’s divided into sections for each of your family members, with project ideas and patterns for your husband or boyfriend, mother, sister, daughter and many more. The patterns are amazing and creative and they range from the very simple to much more intricate. She even has a time guide for each project, to give you an idea of how much time you will need to knit the item. Its a lifesaver for those last minute gifts!
One of my favorite patterns from the book is the first short sleeve white sweater shown in the TNNA fashion show from January. A video of the fashion show has been put on youtube, which is really exciting because I really wasn’t able to fully describe to all of you the amazing knit wear items that I saw at that show in January. (I use the word “amazing” here loosely but in some cases I mean “shocking”) Really, the theme of the evening was ” just because you CAN make that piece of clothing with that fiber, doesn’t mean you SHOULD.” Really, I encourage you to watch.
I digress, the first sweater in the video is Hannah’s and it is awesome, as is everything else in the book. Please go buy it! Its going to be one of those books that you go to year after year for gift ideas for all of your family and friends.