So I finished the entrelac wrap last Friday and it was blocking on my floor for a few days. This is the best of about five photos that Phillip took of me, a dog and a wrap. Yikes.
For those who asked about blocking entrelac, here’s what I did:
1. clear the sink of all dishes (I opted not to actually wash them, just move them from the sink to the counter top. Phil was thrilled.) Then clean the sink because no one wants mac and cheese in their entrelac
2. add a bit of wool wash (Soak works well) and luke warm water and soak the entrelac. If you use Kureyon, which is an itchy scratchy sorta wool, this will help to soften it up.
3. squeeze (don’t wring) the water out of the wrap and lay flat on the floor or counter. I opted for garbage bags to protect my hardwood floors.
6. carefully pull and flatten the wrap until it looks even and flat. This took me awhile because I am neurotic and kept finding the slightest triangle out of place. Then let it dry…takes a few days. The weight of the water in the fabric will flatten it. I didn’t find it was necessary to pin it at all. Blocking the dogs away from the wrap helps too. Dogs tend to mess up the perfectly smooth edges. Here’s a closer shot of the wrap and the colors. I do love it, and if it inspires a few other folks to knit entrelac, then all the better. There are still a couple of spots left in the April class.